Sylvester Stallone
Wesley Snipes
Sandra Bullock
Plot: Super cop John Spartan (Stallone) is a top cop in 1996 and in chase of the criminal mastermind Simon Phoenix (Snipes). After a bust gone wrong Spartan is accused of killing 20-30 hostages and as punishment is frozen along with Phoenix in a new maximum security prison. Over 50 years goes by and Phoenix is up for parole and escapes the prison. The way of life has changed over 50 years and the police force is not capable of apprehending Phoenix so they thaw Spartan to come back and chase down the maniac he already brought down once.
When I watch this movie I have good and bad thoughts about it. It makes for a great action adventure movie with a little comedy thrown in here and there. However the changes that happen during the time period while the two are frozen are only explained to us and we have to make a mental picture of how things happened. The time period we are in is a clean world so to speak. Everything is neat and tidy and crime free. The only person still wanting a piece of action is Lenia Huxley played by the
beautiful Sandra Bullock. It his her idea to have John Spartan released and reinstated to the police force since he once captured him before. Throughout the movie we watch not only Spartan adapt to the new world he is living in but, the world has to relive the past they left behind.
The main purpose for these criminals to be frozen is to be able to put suggestions of good into their mind. Teach them new skills that will make them good people and adjust to a new society. However there is always a twist. We see that Spartan has been given the talents of a top seamstress but, Phoenix has been given the talents to be a super criminal. Who gives him this power well you just have to see and find out. The movie moves pretty quickly and provides some humor brought in by Rob Schneider and Dennis Leary. Both have bit parts but have talents to bring a little life to a action packed movie. Leary plays the leader of the underground society that doesn't want to live in the current future and wants to retain its past. Leary also adopts to the person he was in real life the rebel who we all loved. His song I'm an Asshole made him the perfect fit for the character he plays.
The movie provides non stop action and suspense. Stallone and Snipes make perfect advisories in this futuristic storyline. I wish the movie was longer so we could get more of a background on what happens after they get frozen but, it is explained well enough that we get our own visions on what had happened. I won't be giving any quotes from this movie because there is only a hand few that stick out and they won't make the same impact as if you first hear them in the movie.
Over all the movie is a good movie to watch at least once if you are into this kind of movie. I believe that this movie is ok for anyone 10 years or older. Language is not heavy and not much blood seen in the movie except on Stallone (go figure)
My question to you if you have seen this movie. How the hell does Taco Bell win?
Don't forget the 3 seashells!